Diciembre sin excesos

December without excesses


Clinical and sports nutritionist Majo Gallardo did a December LIVE without excesses from Nochiola's account and shared with us her best tips and recommendations to avoid excesses this holiday season.

Because we know that staying in shape without overdoing it is possible this holiday season, we approached an expert so that she could share with us the correct way to survive December without excesses. Find out how to do it in this note with recommendations from a specialized nutritionist.

We know that this is an atypical year and different from those we have experienced before because as a nutritionist at this time I no longer had people in the office because they deserted. But this December 2020 I am full of appointments, that means that there are many people who continue to take care of themselves and that this will be a fitter or healthier December in which we do not have to break the diet so much. Remember that December is not an excuse to leave the diet and get out of your eating plan” - Nutritionist Majo Gallardo

How many meals can I break the diet with?
If I multiply my 5 meals X 7 days of the week = 35 meals per week. They can misbehave at 2 of those meals so their targets won't be affected. The problem in December is that people want to break the diet many times.

For example, 2 meals of those 35 are recommended to be those of December 24, 25, 31 or January 1, the famous reheated.

Tip 1: Always have a snack before dinner

With this you will avoid arriving very hungry to overindulge with snacks and food. No need to choke on hunger.

Tip 2: For the snack

I know that in December snacks there are usually cookies, chocolates, cheese with jam, chips, peanuts. That's why they always start with water to stay hydrated and, when the time to "snack" comes, start later so as not to overdo it. Everything is in the quantities, you have to learn to control them.

Substitute veggie Nochiola chips with jicama , sweet potato , beets or Nochiola amaranth fritters for the potatoes.

Tip 3. Start with a salad

My first super tip is to always eat a good plate of salad. I am referring to green leafy salads (not sweet salads like apple salad, we will talk about those later). By eating a salad we will avoid eating a large number of other dishes because we will have eaten a healthy dish that will also make us feel satisfied faster.

Tip 4. How to serve the Christmas dish?

The ideal is to divide the plate by food groups: 1. Animal protein (turkey, loin, shrimp, meat, etc.) 2. Carbohydrate (pasta, bolillo, lasagna) 3. Vegetables.

Choosing what type of dish or stew they will eat is essential

On a plate you can serve, for example, turkey, apple salad, carbohydrates (pasta, lasagna, bolillo) and roasted vegetables. And, if they stay hungry, the ideal is to repeat the salad plate so that they can repeat the plate with another protein, carbohydrate, vegetable in the reheated dish or even try other dishes the next day.

Try to control the bread and bolillo with which they accompany.

Tip 5. For desserts
It is normal that there are many desserts on Christmas tables, but you have to choose which dessert you are going to have for dinner and eat a reasonable portion of it. So the next day we can eat or try another dessert. Do not fill a plate with many desserts, we must learn to choose what we most want.

Tip 6. Typical Christmas dishes without so many calories

-Apple salad. It usually has a lot of cream, sometimes condensed milk, pineapple, walnuts, raisins. Natural yogurt without sugar is just as acidic as cream. Replace the cream with natural yogurt. I do not recommend putting condensed milk or fruit in syrup.

Also read: Healthy apple salad with Nochiola

-Cod. As it has filleted almonds and usually has a lot of oil, it is important not to serve a very large portion.

- Romeritos . When preparing it, try to increase the vegetables in the preparation with a load of nopales and change the shrimp pancakes for cooked shrimp because the pancakes are battered and have a lot of fat.

-Turkey and loin with gravy . Try to serve the least amount of gravy or avoid it because it is sugar.

-Punch . It is best to do it with sweetener or sweetener without calories. Prepare it with tamarind, jamaica and the fruits that it normally carries and sweeten with sweetener. Splenda, Monk fruit etc. And don't overdo it. One cup is enough.

Tip 7. Alcohol during parties

Most alcohol or alcoholic beverages by the glass are between 100 and 120 calories. What varies is the quantity, for example wine 120 ml, tequila 100 ml.

So how many tequilas can I drink in one night? If I take four, it's 400 calories without adding soda.

My advice is that for every glass of alcohol, drink one of natural or mineral water. With that you will be receiving the same amount of liquid making the stomach fill faster. The recommendation is that you drink four glasses of alcohol a week. Be careful, it does not apply to cocktails or drinks mixed with soda or tonic water. The ideal is to use mineral water or sugar-free soda as a mixer so as not to add more calories to the drinks.

Also read: List of gifts for this 2020

Tip 8. Healthy desserts

  • sugar free cookies
  • Use oatmeal or amaranth to substitute flours. Change the quality of the ingredients to change the quality of your desserts.
  • Yogurt jellies with some red fruits using a low-fat yogurt.
  • Remember that keto desserts do not have carbohydrates but sometimes they have more calories than a regular dessert because fat has more calories than carbohydrates and protein.
  • Use guava because it is a great source of vitamin C, it tastes delicious and it is seasonal.

Tip 9. Nutrition recommendations for the holidays in general

- Do not remove food groups before or after your dinners.
- My advice is to eat the same day as dinner and maintain your normal eating plan.

- Don't overdo the exercise but don't stop exercising either. The idea of ​​compensating with excessive exercise is a myth.
- Do not lower your water consumption because it is cold. They can compensate with teas or infusions without milk and without sugar to stay hydrated.

Tip 10. How to avoid inflammation after the holidays?

It is common to get inflamed after parties when we take care of ourselves. It has to do with fats and salt and spices. If you have chronic colitis, the main thing is to see a gastro, but if not, don't be scared of getting bloated after dinner. For that, exercise and drink water.


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