Snacks Nutritivos para disfrutar a cualquier hora sin culpa

Nutritious Snacks to enjoy at any time without guilt

Veggie chips nochiola

At Nochiola we believe that with the advent of so-called nutritious snacks , a guideline was set to remind us that healthy eating is not about deprivation, following strict nutrition rules or starving yourself to lose weight.

It's about being healthy and staying mindful by making smarter, nutrient-dense food choices like fruits, vegetables and whole grains and reducing processed foods in your diet.

If you are one of those who keep wondering if it is possible to lose weight without giving up snacks … You have come to the right place!

If you choose healthy food options with protein and nutrients, snacks can be your ally in weight loss as they can help you stay full throughout the day and thus avoid "sinning" with unhealthy foods.

Qualities of Nochiola nutritious snacks

Learn about the four most important qualities of nutritious snacks !

Practical: Thanks to our resealable packaging you can take your healthy snacks wherever you want, to the gym, to work, a trip, a picnic. You put the plan, we the snacks!

Healthy: Our healthy snacks are options loaded with vitamins and minerals, they are also an excellent source of fiber. In the case of our nuts , they are a great option to integrate healthy fats into your diet.

Rich: If you are one of those who thinks that eating healthy is bland and boring, it means that you still do not know Nochiola healthy snacks where healthy is not fought with delicious . We recover the natural flavor of the ingredients to make delicious and irresistible combinations that everyone will love, from children to adults.


The dehydrated fruits and vegetables that you can find in our store are loaded with the vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and minerals of their fresh versions and also contain fewer calories per serving.

By consuming Nochiola healthy dehydrated products , you can substantially reduce the risk of developing certain chronic diseases, such as cancer, and provide your body with essential nutrients for good health.

Vegetable foods are also becoming very famous due to their high fiber content and a very simple option to eat them is with our Nochiola dehydrated veggie chips .

Replace the consumption of bad fats with nutritious snacks!

While fat is essential to a healthy diet, certain types of fat should be avoided .

Saturated fats, for example, come from animal sources that raise blood cholesterol levels and increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease .

Trans fats should also be avoided for the same reasons. Healthier fats that should be eaten in moderation include monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. Some sources that include this type of good fats are: nuts and seeds, olive oil and avocado, to name a few examples.

Nochiola recommendation:

If you feel like it's time for your next guilt-ridden craving, reach into your pantry for our healthy snacks instead of highly processed foods that can harm your health.

Having some healthy and nutritious options at hand can help attack those moments of anxiety about consuming unhealthy foods, and if it is your goal, they can be your allies in weight loss.

Order your favorite healthy snacks here !
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