Bolsa de churritos de amaranto con piquín Nochiola

Facts and benefits of piquin chili

We tell you about one of the most famous chili peppers in Mexico, the piquín chili. Protagonist and star ingredient of our Churritos de Amanto with Piquín Nochiola.


This food is considered a vegetable native to northeastern Mexico. There is evidence that confirms the existence of the piquín chili in Tamaulipas and Puebla, since the year 7000, being common to try it in dishes from states such as Nuevo León, Coahuila.

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History of the chili pepper

In states like Nuevo León, for example, they use it to prepare eggs with chili, molcajete sauce and pickles,

It is also known as field or mount chili since it grows wild thanks to the fact that the birds spread their seeds on the ground after eating them.

They are spicy even if they are fresh or dried and when you buy them in markets or stores to season your recipes, they are called ground chili.

How is the chili pepper?

They are small and oval in shape. White flowers grow on its plants and its fruits, depending on ripening, can be green, orange or red.

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Benefits of consuming chili pepper

  1. It's good for the heart
  2. Prevents cancer. Thanks to capsaicin.
  3. Protects the digestive system.
  4. It is a natural pain reliever.
  5. It is an antioxidant and helps fight aging.
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