We share some terms from the healthy world that can be useful if you are following a healthy diet or buying healthy products.
- Organic
A term used to describe foods that are produced without the use of chemicals such as fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides.
- boost
In English it is known as a charge of energy, that is why we sometimes use it to describe something that will recharge us with energy.
- keto
Ketosis or ketogenic diet have taken great boom. The word keto is short for the well-known ketogenic diet, which is simply any regimen high enough in fat and low enough in carbohydrates to trigger the body into ketosis.
- Alkaline
Adjective used to define certain elements or chemical compounds capable of neutralizing acids and their effects. ... The alkalinity of a substance, that is, its ability to neutralize an acid, is expressed by the pH, as is the acidity.
- Twist
It refers to the substitution or transformation of something. Kind of like turning something around. An example is when we eat not-so-healthy foods that we give a twist by adding less sugar or ingredients that in high quantities may not be as beneficial.
- Dehydrated
It is a way of losing water that composes it. An example is our dehydrated products that, to be preserved naturally, are dehydrated.
- Snack
It is a way of talking about snacks that are consumed in English that has become popular in our country.
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